Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10+ Ways to Get a Guy to Ask You Out …

10+ Ways to Get a Guy to Ask You Out …
So you like him. Call it a crush, butterflies in the stomach or love at first sight, bottom line - you like him. Now the question is how do you get HIM to like YOU enough to ask you out? There is no sure-fire formula. But do not despair!
Here are 10 easy suggestions for you to experiment with and Cupid will do the rest!

1. Be yourself …

Few things put a man off as much as artifice. So if you are talking louder or laughing or smiling more than you normally do, ease up. It may actually backfire. (this is the one of 5 Common First Date Mistakes)

2. Extend this point to external appearances too …

If you are uncomfortable with very short skirts, high heels and dramatic make-up stay clear of them. A natural look and one that you are comfortable with, is very attractive.

3. Accentuate your advantages …

Instead of killing your confidence by following uncomfortable fashion trends, look exquisite by just accentuating your physical advantages. Whether the most beautiful thing about you is your height, your complexion, your eyes or anything else, draw attention to it with flattering clothes and make-up.

4. Take the initiative …

Shrinking coy violets rarely get noticed. So don’t wait the entire evening praying fervently that he will talk to you. Do it first. Smile or say hello to him. Your confidence will disarm him.

5. Leave small gates and windows open …

After you have surmounted that initial wall, leave small gates and windows open. Respond to him physically and verbally with frequent glances and smiles, commenting on the topics and statements he makes and laughing at his jokes. He will realize that you are interested in him.

6. Find out what he likes …

Subtly find out what he likes - food, sports, cars etc and turn the direction of the group’s conversation into that direction. Sound knowledgeable and genuinely interested in those discussions.

7. Position yourself cleverly …

If he wants to make a funny statement or share a grin with just you, do not let others obstruct his view or access. Move around constantly so that it is easy for him to see and speak to you, without sticking to his side all evening.

8. Have fun by yourself too …

If you are with another group of friends, do not spend the entire time watching his every move like a hawk. It will spook him. Enjoy yourself with your friends, get them laughing or talking animatedly to you. This will make him wish he was with your crowd…and especially with you. If he walks over or saunters past, give him a friendly smile or welcome.

9. Let him know you are available …

Subtly indicate that you are not seeing anyone at present, particularly when you are about to leave, or see that he is. If this is too difficult, weave it into the general banter.

10. Discuss the right topics …

When you are talking to each other in the group or just with each other, discuss topics that people normally discuss on first dates such as upcoming concerts, good movies, restaurants etc. Sound excited about these things without sounding eager and an invitation may just be a breath away.

Keep Him: 7 Ways to Keep Your Guy!!

So you have a guy, and now, the objective is to keep him. Here’s some helpful advice. The following items have not been ranked in any order. These are things that’ I’ve gathered from experience, from myself, or friends etc. Here are the things that you can do to keep things going steady and to make sure he’s stays into you.

1. Give Him Guy Time: There is nothing like male bonding. It’s the bases for the male existence. Allow him a some time to spend with the fellas. Watching a game, playing a game of basketball, poker, a night out on the down, the Star Wars convention, or a round of paintball. Let him have his “Buddy time”. Fratnizing with the boys, is how we adapt socially to a lot of things. It’s our comfort zone. It helps us functions, it sorta ties in with #2.

2. Bolster Masculinity. Hey, guy’s egos are fragile and they break easy, right DM. Sometime he just needs a little boost, especially from the love of his life that he’s doing a good job. A reminder that he’s doing a good job, with being the “MAN” in the relationship. Simple comments or just a pat on the back will do the trick. You’d be surprised how far ” I’m glad I have you to walk me to my car” can go.. Trust ME. The more we feel like a man, the better, even when we are wimping out.

3. Cook for Him. Guys love it when someone cooks food for them. I mean seriously, who doesn’t. Being creatures of laziness, we will never turn down the chance to eat food, especially free, especially, home-cooked. Above all, we love to eat, even the skinny ones. Fix his favorite dish, or surprise him completely with a nice little meal, or maybe just a snack, after a hard day. Hopefully he’ll return the favor too!!

4. Rub/Play With His Hair. Seriously, this has got to be one of the most relaxing things in the world.(Okay, maybe this is MY personal preference, hehe) Guys appreciate a girl that will, take the time to play with his hair, or any other soothing place on his body(keep it clean folks). It’s the little things like these, that we remember, that we hold special.

5. Invest Time In What He Likes. Usually guys have a special quirk, or guilty pleasure that they like. Some like Sci-movies, or video-games, sports, or maybe puzzles or riddles, or making home movies. Take the time once in a while and show interest, and even pretend if you have to. Even is you can’t bring yourself to do this, then simply don’t give him a hard time about liking these things. I had a buddy, once, a football player, real huge tough guy, but he enjoyed painting. His girlfriend almost made him feel ashamed for painting. It was just a horrible situation. Support your guys, and they will support you back.

6. Don’t Compare Him to Other Guys: This stems from the ego. Please don’t compare your guy another guy. Don’t say things like, “Why can’t you be more like”.. Especially don’t do it in front of the guy that you are comparing him to. He might not show it but, comments like these really get under a guy’s skin. If there are things that you would like your guy to improve on, there are ways to suggest these things, without embarrassing him. Be kind, be stern, be subtle. We will eventually get the hint.

7. Make Good With His Friends: Okay, seriously. This is great advice. If the the relationship is just starting off, by all means, try your best to make sure his close friends like you, and if he has roommates, they take top priority. Personally right now I’m in a situation where my room-mate’s girlfriend, wouldn’t speak to me, when she was around the apartment. It caused a bunch a friction, and I confronted my room-mate on the issue. Look, guys are somewhat easily pressured and persuaded by other guys, especially friends. If you can’t make it with the guys, you’re going to be fighting the uphill battle. We will ragged and you tear you down, to the point where your guy will almost feel bad about dating you. Sometimes we do not show mercy. We aren’t jealous, that you’re taking him away from us, but you have to know that YOU can’t just blow us off, when you’re around.

Good luck..

10 Ways to Make a Girl Blush

1) Girls blush a LOT when you pay them an unexpected compliment. I mean, if she's already expecting a compliment from you, it might not have the same effect. But if you surprise her with an unexpected compliment, things get awkward. And when things get awkward, girls react in only one way. They blush. Profusely.

2) If you're the adventurous kind, buy her something intimate. And by intimate, I don't mean a tiny-little-teddy-bear-holding-an-I-Love-You-signboard. Be a man. Time to buy her some lingerie, perhaps? (Warning: This method MIGHT backfire very very badly)

3) The next rule applies to both sexes. The easiest way to make a girl blush is to shout out her affectionate name in public. Names like "Jaanu" or 'Sona" or 'Sweetheart" are bound to make her blush.

4) One of the most important ways to ensure she blushes is to tell her that she's the most beautiful girl you know. Tell her that you love her more than anything else. (yes, this includes your play-station and your bike). Tell her that she's yours, forever.

5) The simplest way to make a girl blush is to impress her parents. The moment the parents compliment their daughter's choice of boyfriend, her hormones jump up and down with excitement. It is a known fact that the approval of the parents means the world to a girl. And a little bit of chivalry and good manners can ensure that. Yes, that means that you will have to a get a hair cut, young man!

6) There's something incessantly cute about pulling a girls cheek, that inevitably makes her blush like a little tomato. Pulling a girls cheek has a 99 per cent chance of making her blush. However, this ratio decreases severely if you follow it up by saying the words "Wow, you've put on weight, fatty".

7) Contrary to popular opinion, girls blush even if you don't compliment them. All you have to do is compliment their boyfriends. Tell her how lucky she is to have such a gentlemanly boyfriend. But don't over do it, otherwise she'll get jealous of you. *Sigh* Yeah, girls are weird like that.

8) Unlike normal people, girls blush when something embarrassing occurs. For example, if you happen to discover a naked baby picture of hers, she'll blush. Even if she happened to be one of the ugliest babies of her time.

9) Tease her about something embarrassing. This might seem a little dodgy. You don't want to go overboard with the teasing. For example, teasing her about her bad driving skills falls under'cute'. Whereas teasing her about the abundance of forest-like growth of facial hair is a big no no.

10) It's easy to make a girl blush when you're around your friends. All you have to do is crack an inside joke. Only she will get the joke. This in turn, will make her feel special. This in turn will make her cheeks go all warm and red. So folks, no girl can resist a tiny blush on an inside joke, surely.